Kamisori K2055 Professional Hair Shears, Black Diamond 5.5 Inch, the product is supplied to meet the growing require of our customers and to produce their life simpler. We treat our products as we would an employee, using a job to do, a expense for the organization, and a benefit to our customers. Our Kamisori K2055 Professional Hair Shears, Black Diamond 5.5 Inch is no longer the province of wholesalers, retail dealers and those with special membership with us. Now our internet site is where anybody can browse, try, buy and get to know the product and its worth, even though we aim to meet the altering demands of our customers.
products like Kamisori K2055 Professional Hair Shears, Black Diamond 5.5 Inch can make it achievable for users to have the life style they want. All based on the thought that they don't need to spend lots of funds. This can be specially designed for those that are into it for quality and price. The Kamisori has worked with their team introduced this product for the market, are as interested as the buyers in terms of ensuring it endures long-term usage.
We believe that no discussion of this product is total without which includes the evaluations from actual customers who've purchased them for our customers' perusal. The accurate value, the genius, the quite capability of our product is that it's adaptable and in a position to incorporate essence of new suggestions. To deliver high-quality product that conveys the worthiness of our existence is our job and portion of our offerings that anybody paying for has each and every proper to expect. Our customer service representatives are determined to develop an environment of trust and understanding. And take a genuinely eclectic strategy to address queries about the product that we supply which is a tremendous asset to our customers, personally and economically.
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Legendary model. With it’s ergonomic design and black titanium coating over V-10 cobalt steel, the Black Diamond makes light work of even the heaviest work load. This model is an overall cutting shear with the capability to cut wet and dry hair and perform blunt, point, glide and light slice cutting techniques.
- Five star rated hair styling shears
- Specialties are Blunt/Glide/Wet/Dry
- Has a steel hardness of 60
- Made of V-10 Cobalt Steel
- Winner Of 2010 American Salon Professionals Choice Award for Best Brand For Shears