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Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $295.00
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We're marketing and advertising in the high level to create the very best of our new item. The details of creating market combined with our fantastic material gave us the excellence result of the Kamisori Cb-1 Cobra Professional Hair Shears, 4.75 Inch which might be purchased at various on the web. Nonetheless by the fantastic item high quality and new appearance will get the most attention to you far more than any other. that can make the amount of satisfy buyers rise quickly.
Alternatively reasonable cost seem to be the other concern reason of purchasing from most customer which is why we will make certain that we will often develop a item in a fair very good cost towards the marketplace for everyone such as you too. After which you might be going to be glad that you have chosen to get the Kamisori Cb-1 Cobra Professional Hair Shears, 4.75 Inch for your need to have or for some one that you care.
Popular cobra model is made from lightweight Hitachi steel and is ergonomically shaped to delivery soft cuts with minimum effort. Holes punched in the blade to reduce overall weight and increase balance.
- Specialty uses include blunt, point, wet and dry
- Features adjustable soft ring inserts
- Offset hand type reduces wrist and shoulder fatigue
- Made of 440C Hitachi steel
- Has a steel hardness of 60